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Grand prize winner will receive a hotel accommodation voucher for 3 days and 2 nights at any one of many exciting destinations noted below.
Anaheim CA, Palm Springs CA, Cancun MX, Lake Tahoe NV, Branson MO, Reno NV, Orlando FL, Daytona Beach FL, Hilton Head SC Charleston SC Gatlinburg TN, Honolulu HI, Atlantic City NJ, Myrtle Beach SC, LasVegas NV, Niagara Falls NY, Pocono Mountain PA, Puerto Vallarta MX,
New Orleans LA, San Anotonio TX or Williamsburg WA.
What is the name of the hotel I will stay in?
The booking agent you get assigned to will book your room at one of the hundreds of participating hotels. In Las Vegas, the number one destination, all accommodations are booked at one of several major hotel casinos. In other cities hotels such as Wyndham, Howard Johnson, Ramada, Quality Inn and Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Red Carpet, Fairmont, Clarion, Sheraton, Hampton Inn, Comfort Inn, Hilton, Harrahs and many others are used. You pick the destination and the booking agent will pick the hotel based on occupancy.
How many people can travel per voucher? Voucher is good for two adults over the age of 21, with a maximum of four people per room.
Are there any restrictions on travel dates? This voucher is good for weekday travel with check-in on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Holidays, weekends and travel within 60 days require a small surcharge fee.
Are there any additional costs that the traveler will incur? This package is for hotel accommodations only and does not include transportation, airfare, meals and any other miscellaneous expenses. Upon check-in, hotels will require an imprint of a major credit card to cover such costs. Guests are required to pay room tax. (This is a government regulation for all travel vouchers). Voucher holder will need to pay room tax of just $23.95. This is the only cost associated with this voucher. Any and all changes and cancellations are subject to $25 fee.
How long do I have have to complete travel? You have 12 months to complete travel from the issue date stamped on the voucher. A travel planning delay of 60 days is needed.
How much time do I have to activate the voucher? You have 60 days to decide where to travel and one year from issue date to complete their dream vacation.
What is the retail value of the voucher? The approximate retail value of the accommodations is $110 to $674 depending on the location, hotel availability and time of year traveled.
What is the catch? No catch. You pay for the airfare and extras, the voucher will cover the 3 days and 2 nights.
Is the voucher transferable? Yes, Fully transferable. You can keep it or give it to whomever you like prior to activation.
2nd Prize
$1000 Restaurant Savings Certificate
This certificate offers a restaurant savings gift card, providing the opportunity to save $1000 worth of coupons for your favorite restaurants, fast food chains and popular restaurants nationwide, saving you up to 50% on your bill! Participating restaurants include, TGI Fridays, Chillis, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Applebee;s, Sizzler and I-Hop. Denny’s, Planet Hollywood, Austin Steakhouse, Hooters, Longshore Steakhouse and Ponderosa.
Additionally participating are fast food chains such as McDonald’s, Hardee’s, Quizno’s, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Carl’s Jr, Jack-in-the-box, KFC, Wendy’s Arby’s and Subway. Popeye’s Chicken, El Chico, Boston Market, Rudy Tuesday and many many more.
You will receive a restaurant savings gift card. The gift card gives yearly access to online website portal to redeem for savings at participating restaurants of their choice and keeps a running total of customers balances. You will be able to print off coupons, join the mail program and enjoy.
Are there any charges for this $1000 savings card? The cardholder is required to pay a $15 activation fee to gain access to the coupons.
Does this card really provide $1000 in savings? Yes. You will have the opportunity to access various coupons to use at all your favorite eateries.
Contest Instructions
The Biker Lifestyle Network is interested in seeing your interpretation of the Biker Lifestyle. Contest entries should be photos related to living the biker lifestyle.
Photos of your bike, your squeeze, the people you ride with, a rally you’ve attended, a trip you’ve taken, friends you’ve made, etc.
Even if you don’t ride but have a picture about what the biker lifestyle means to you, enter it today!
Prize Eligibility
Only persons who are at least 21 years of age can enter.
Contest Starts -December 21, 2011 @ 09:00 am (EST)
Contest Ends -1/17/2012 11:59 EST
Grand prize winner will receive a hotel accommodation voucher for 3 days and 2 nights at any one of many exciting destinations noted below.
Anaheim CA, Palm Springs CA, Cancun MX, Lake Tahoe NV, Branson MO, Reno NV, Orlando FL, Daytona Beach FL, Hilton Head SC Charleston SC Gatlinburg TN, Honolulu HI, Atlantic City NJ, Myrtle Beach SC, LasVegas NV, Niagara Falls NY, Pocono Mountain PA, Puerto Vallarta MX,
New Orleans LA, San Anotonio TX or Williamsburg WA.
What is the name of the hotel I will stay in?
The booking agent you get assigned to will book your room at one of the hundreds of participating hotels. In Las Vegas, the number one destination, all accommodations are booked at one of several major hotel casinos. In other cities hotels such as Wyndham, Howard Johnson, Ramada, Quality Inn and Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Red Carpet, Fairmont, Clarion, Sheraton, Hampton Inn, Comfort Inn, Hilton, Harrahs and many others are used. You pick the destination and the booking agent will pick the hotel based on occupancy.
How many people can travel per voucher? Voucher is good for two adults over the age of 21, with a maximum of four people per room.
Are there any restrictions on travel dates? This voucher is good for weekday travel with check-in on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Holidays, weekends and travel within 60 days require a small surcharge fee.
Are there any additional costs that the traveler will incur? This package is for hotel accommodations only and does not include transportation, airfare, meals and any other miscellaneous expenses. Upon check-in, hotels will require an imprint of a major credit card to cover such costs. Guests are required to pay room tax. (This is a government regulation for all travel vouchers). Voucher holder will need to pay room tax of just $23.95. This is the only cost associated with this voucher. Any and all changes and cancellations are subject to $25 fee.
How long do I have have to complete travel? You have 12 months to complete travel from the issue date stamped on the voucher. A travel planning delay of 60 days is needed.
How much time do I have to activate the voucher? You have 60 days to decide where to travel and one year from issue date to complete their dream vacation.
What is the retail value of the voucher? The approximate retail value of the accommodations is $110 to $674 depending on the location, hotel availability and time of year traveled.
What is the catch? No catch. You pay for the airfare and extras, the voucher will cover the 3 days and 2 nights.
Is the voucher transferable? Yes, Fully transferable. You can keep it or give it to whomever you like prior to activation.
2nd Prize
$1000 Restaurant Savings Certificate
This certificate offers a restaurant savings gift card, providing the opportunity to save $1000 worth of coupons for your favorite restaurants, fast food chains and popular restaurants nationwide, saving you up to 50% on your bill! Participating restaurants include, TGI Fridays, Chillis, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Applebee;s, Sizzler and I-Hop. Denny’s, Planet Hollywood, Austin Steakhouse, Hooters, Longshore Steakhouse and Ponderosa.
Additionally participating are fast food chains such as McDonald’s, Hardee’s, Quizno’s, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Carl’s Jr, Jack-in-the-box, KFC, Wendy’s Arby’s and Subway. Popeye’s Chicken, El Chico, Boston Market, Rudy Tuesday and many many more.
You will receive a restaurant savings gift card. The gift card gives yearly access to online website portal to redeem for savings at participating restaurants of their choice and keeps a running total of customers balances. You will be able to print off coupons, join the mail program and enjoy.
Are there any charges for this $1000 savings card? The cardholder is required to pay a $15 activation fee to gain access to the coupons.
Does this card really provide $1000 in savings? Yes. You will have the opportunity to access various coupons to use at all your favorite eateries.
Contest Instructions
The Biker Lifestyle Network is interested in seeing your interpretation of the Biker Lifestyle. Contest entries should be photos related to living the biker lifestyle.
Photos of your bike, your squeeze, the people you ride with, a rally you’ve attended, a trip you’ve taken, friends you’ve made, etc.
Even if you don’t ride but have a picture about what the biker lifestyle means to you, enter it today!
Prize Eligibility
Only persons who are at least 21 years of age can enter.
Contest Starts -December 21, 2011 @ 09:00 am (EST)
Contest Ends -1/17/2012 11:59 EST