As a side note, before beginning this trip report, I would like to see three small changes in future editions of ACG. The first would be a coupon index. The second, the coupons be numbered to find them easier. The third, that they be perforated for easier removal from the book without the need of scissors or razor knife.
Just returned from 7 nights at Binion's.
My frugal package trip from Orbitz cost 291.45 plus checked bag fee (38.00) I had planned this trip online, was well prepared with maps, geographic itinerary, and the 'best' coupons and sign up bonuses topping my list.
I planned on using the bus system and free casino shuttles. There is a "senior" reduced fare card (FREE) available at the transit terminal which gives 50% off. 3 day unlimited bus ride passes are $7.50. The bus service in Vegas is excellent, although very crowded at times.
I selected 22 casino's where the offers were best for this Vegas Virgin. Between free slot play for Player Club sign up, and coupons from ACG & MRB, I am well prepared.
I originally figured to spend 3 days doing coupon runs, with a possible 4th day if needed. I also have selected an additional area (Boulder Hwy) with 5 additional offers if time, energy, and desire permit. I've planned my coupon runs for geographic convenience, with "zones" for getting around.
The EV for my pre-planned itinerary is $261.00 figured at 48%. Who knows what will happen with a little luck, or lack thereof.
This is a long report. I've broken it down into sections.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Written on Friday, July 10, 2009 2:33 EDT, 11:33 pm in Vegas:
Well, this has certainly been an interesting first 24+ hours in Las Vegas. Arrived Wed night at 11:00 PM ish.
Spirit Airlines may be very inexpensive for those on a budget, and you get what you pay for. "Sardines in a can" may be a fair description. The Emergency row seats always have ample leg room. The friendly stewardess allowed me to move when one was vacant. Stewardess Barbara, I think I love you.
The limo/shuttle driver was terrible. Ran a light or two, high speed turns, and incessant chatter that was irrelevant and often incorrect. And than she drops me at Binions at the furthest point from the Hotel entrance. I told her and she said, "This is where we have to drop off". I told her she was full of ****, and just lost her tip. I literally had to walk through the entire casino with my two bags and laptop. Grrrr.....; For those using a shuttle to Binions, the hotel entrance is at Ogden & First. Apparently, some shuttle drivers drop at Casino & Ogden rather than make a U-turn and let you out a full block closer to the hotel entrance. Shame on them, and please don't settle for less.
But alas, things picked up from there. I was settled in my room with king size bed, table & chairs, coffee maker. MUCH nicer than I was expecting. And no $20 trick. So I'm restless. I'm not going to be able to sleep for awhile, even though it's very late, actually early morning (1:00 am ish Thursday), EDT. So decide to meander around, and make my 'first' coupon run. Binion's $10 match play from the fun book. ooops, I somehow ::
:: have two fun books. Oh well. VEG Lose both, down $20.00.
Off to Golden Nugget and the $60/50 poker buy in. Win 30 in about an hour, so leave up $40.00. Walk around Fremont Street, in an out but no gambling. Not a penny anywhere, except for a few cocktail waitresses when I got free drinks. Have not, and will not buy a drink, except for the buck tip to the waitress.
It's 3:30 am Thursday, and I want an early start for my first day coupon runs. Many have told me I was "crazy" for making my itinerary the way I did. I had wanted to get up and be at the LVA office at 9:00 am to get my MRB and proceed. I have my ACG, but I'm here for coupons and offers, and I'll be well armed with all the appropriate tools of the trade. That did not happen, but I was there well before noon, after getting my 'senior' bus passes at the DTC, and going to the Rio first.
It was media day at the WSOP. I went in the front door of Rio, and wanted to go out the back for the trip to LVA. There was a Phil Hellmuth UB Hospitality suite, and only a couple 'employees". They asked if I was on UB, of course I do have an account, and was invited in. They had a great spread! Really nice, lot's of sandwiches and beverages, and a nice candy selection as well. I grabbed 3 Red Bulls for later, and a nice Lipton Ice tea. A couple sandwiches and I was good to go, awake, hunger well satisfied for free, and off to the LVA by Taxi. $5.50 from the back door at Rio. I paid the driver, and told him I would be 2-3 minutes picking up a book, if he wanted to wait. He said he'd keep the meter running, and I told him that was just not going to happen, he could wait for free and hope my tip will compensate, or go get back in the long taxi line at Rio and gamble. He said he was not going to wait, so I asked for and got my $4.50 change. I would have given the guy $15.00+ back to the Palms, but he blew it.
So I walked to Gold Coast. Now I've got my MRB, ACG, and in full combat mode for my first coupon run in Vegas. Gold Coast cash out on 10 free slot play is $8.00, and off to the Palms.
$30.00 at the Palms in MP & slots cash out is $22.75, and back to the GC for a shuttle to Bills. Time was on my side, and I'm at Bills by 1:15pm! My $10 mp says BJ, I'm at roulette and did not "notice" and neither did the dealer. So I won my $10.00 bet, but did not get paid for the MP. Speak to the pit, "intent and dealer error", yada yada but nice. So, bottom line, I take it to BJ and lose. Leave Bill's even. Lesson learned, read the mp before using.
Decide to detour slightly from my plans. Go to Planet Hollywood for a complicated offer. Lose $25 MP. Than play $5 free slot, get a point, and back for $25.00 more free slot. Get 4 points and another $15.00 is in the account. Net at Planet Hollywood is -$5.35 cash. Grrrr. That's with $25 mp, and $45 free slots. "How did I lose money with that offer?" me thinks as I head out the door.
From Planet H to Imperial Palace hoofing it. Try the "waste of time" offer at Casino Royale since I was there. "Won a $5.00 mp, for a net of +$9.00. The CR promo sucks big time. Promotional machines that just don't pay off. BUT, the free pull on the sidewalk machines award one of 3 prizes if you win. $100, $50 in play on the promo slots, or $5.00 match play for '3rd'. I got lucky and won the 'better' bottom prize on the sidewalk. A little later, I played again and 'won' $50, and the lady next to me won the $5.00 mp. I asked if she wanted to trade with me, and she looked at me like I'm an idiot and can't do the deal fast enough. Than tells her husband how foolish I was.
(Oh, I won that mp also, another +9.00)
I usually will make a 'dealer' bet when I win on a mp if on roulette or craps. That is why my cash out amounts may seem inconsistent, and if the dealer sees me with more than 1 mp, won't rat me out.
Imperial Palace was a net -$10.00 on mp.
Venetian was next. +$44.00 on $15.00 mp, and cashed another $9.87 from $15 free slots. Net at Venetian +$38.87. I'm still in full combat mode, but want to sit and rest awhile. The poker room is inviting, but I lose a few bucks in a very short session. Got coupon offers to run before playing poker for longer sessions.
Leave Venetian after a little sight seeing and catch the Deuce. Back a Binion's, quick shower and relax for a few and down to the Experience. "Hell, why not do some offers?" thinks I. So I did.
Plaza. Got a fun book too. Net + 5.00 on mp. Poker offer is $25 for 20 so I play. Cash out $140 for my 60 buy in, and my plaza net for offers is + $5.00 on mp, and poker is + $80.00.
Vegas Club cash out is $10.00
Four Queens $10 for $15 "WIN" card puts me -$11.00 Grrrr
Fitzgerald's $5.00 mp nets at - $5.00 Grrrr.
Two more Binion's $10.00 mp and lose both for net -$20.00 Grrrr. Somehow ::
:: I now have a 'bunch' of Binion's fun Books.
My " scheduled itinerary" was 5 offers outside DT, after LVA office, and perhaps 1-2 downtown afterwards. I completed 6 offers, plus Casino Royale, and also stopped at O'sheas and Flamingo for a look see, than 5 more downtown offers. Whew. it's been a bad result day for match plays. (+ $35.00 or so not including poker) and I did cover a lot of ground. But, I am somewhat disappointed with my coupon run results.
My feet are tired and damn, I forgot my pedometer! I was not uncomfortable during my travels.
Friday, my itinerary has 5 locations. Since the only downtown spot left with an offer is El Cortez, I may decide to keep moving and try to get the 'last 6 outsiders' as well, to complete 21 of my initial 22 casino's with offers.
Whenever I won a match play, I usually tipped the dealer, or made a $1.00 bet for the dealer. Usually an even money roulette bet with mp's because they're fast and I can keep moving. Don't mind sacrificing a slightly larger house vig for speed. I did not, and do not intend to loiter until I'm "done" with the offers.
That's it for now. It's Saturday morning, 3:47 EDT, and I'm still wired. Going to go check out the poker room at Binion's. Again. And a cocktail of more too.
Part two next message:
Just returned from 7 nights at Binion's.
My frugal package trip from Orbitz cost 291.45 plus checked bag fee (38.00) I had planned this trip online, was well prepared with maps, geographic itinerary, and the 'best' coupons and sign up bonuses topping my list.
I planned on using the bus system and free casino shuttles. There is a "senior" reduced fare card (FREE) available at the transit terminal which gives 50% off. 3 day unlimited bus ride passes are $7.50. The bus service in Vegas is excellent, although very crowded at times.
I selected 22 casino's where the offers were best for this Vegas Virgin. Between free slot play for Player Club sign up, and coupons from ACG & MRB, I am well prepared.
I originally figured to spend 3 days doing coupon runs, with a possible 4th day if needed. I also have selected an additional area (Boulder Hwy) with 5 additional offers if time, energy, and desire permit. I've planned my coupon runs for geographic convenience, with "zones" for getting around.
The EV for my pre-planned itinerary is $261.00 figured at 48%. Who knows what will happen with a little luck, or lack thereof.
This is a long report. I've broken it down into sections.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Written on Friday, July 10, 2009 2:33 EDT, 11:33 pm in Vegas:
Well, this has certainly been an interesting first 24+ hours in Las Vegas. Arrived Wed night at 11:00 PM ish.
Spirit Airlines may be very inexpensive for those on a budget, and you get what you pay for. "Sardines in a can" may be a fair description. The Emergency row seats always have ample leg room. The friendly stewardess allowed me to move when one was vacant. Stewardess Barbara, I think I love you.
The limo/shuttle driver was terrible. Ran a light or two, high speed turns, and incessant chatter that was irrelevant and often incorrect. And than she drops me at Binions at the furthest point from the Hotel entrance. I told her and she said, "This is where we have to drop off". I told her she was full of ****, and just lost her tip. I literally had to walk through the entire casino with my two bags and laptop. Grrrr.....; For those using a shuttle to Binions, the hotel entrance is at Ogden & First. Apparently, some shuttle drivers drop at Casino & Ogden rather than make a U-turn and let you out a full block closer to the hotel entrance. Shame on them, and please don't settle for less.
But alas, things picked up from there. I was settled in my room with king size bed, table & chairs, coffee maker. MUCH nicer than I was expecting. And no $20 trick. So I'm restless. I'm not going to be able to sleep for awhile, even though it's very late, actually early morning (1:00 am ish Thursday), EDT. So decide to meander around, and make my 'first' coupon run. Binion's $10 match play from the fun book. ooops, I somehow ::

Off to Golden Nugget and the $60/50 poker buy in. Win 30 in about an hour, so leave up $40.00. Walk around Fremont Street, in an out but no gambling. Not a penny anywhere, except for a few cocktail waitresses when I got free drinks. Have not, and will not buy a drink, except for the buck tip to the waitress.
It's 3:30 am Thursday, and I want an early start for my first day coupon runs. Many have told me I was "crazy" for making my itinerary the way I did. I had wanted to get up and be at the LVA office at 9:00 am to get my MRB and proceed. I have my ACG, but I'm here for coupons and offers, and I'll be well armed with all the appropriate tools of the trade. That did not happen, but I was there well before noon, after getting my 'senior' bus passes at the DTC, and going to the Rio first.
It was media day at the WSOP. I went in the front door of Rio, and wanted to go out the back for the trip to LVA. There was a Phil Hellmuth UB Hospitality suite, and only a couple 'employees". They asked if I was on UB, of course I do have an account, and was invited in. They had a great spread! Really nice, lot's of sandwiches and beverages, and a nice candy selection as well. I grabbed 3 Red Bulls for later, and a nice Lipton Ice tea. A couple sandwiches and I was good to go, awake, hunger well satisfied for free, and off to the LVA by Taxi. $5.50 from the back door at Rio. I paid the driver, and told him I would be 2-3 minutes picking up a book, if he wanted to wait. He said he'd keep the meter running, and I told him that was just not going to happen, he could wait for free and hope my tip will compensate, or go get back in the long taxi line at Rio and gamble. He said he was not going to wait, so I asked for and got my $4.50 change. I would have given the guy $15.00+ back to the Palms, but he blew it.
So I walked to Gold Coast. Now I've got my MRB, ACG, and in full combat mode for my first coupon run in Vegas. Gold Coast cash out on 10 free slot play is $8.00, and off to the Palms.
$30.00 at the Palms in MP & slots cash out is $22.75, and back to the GC for a shuttle to Bills. Time was on my side, and I'm at Bills by 1:15pm! My $10 mp says BJ, I'm at roulette and did not "notice" and neither did the dealer. So I won my $10.00 bet, but did not get paid for the MP. Speak to the pit, "intent and dealer error", yada yada but nice. So, bottom line, I take it to BJ and lose. Leave Bill's even. Lesson learned, read the mp before using.
Decide to detour slightly from my plans. Go to Planet Hollywood for a complicated offer. Lose $25 MP. Than play $5 free slot, get a point, and back for $25.00 more free slot. Get 4 points and another $15.00 is in the account. Net at Planet Hollywood is -$5.35 cash. Grrrr. That's with $25 mp, and $45 free slots. "How did I lose money with that offer?" me thinks as I head out the door.
From Planet H to Imperial Palace hoofing it. Try the "waste of time" offer at Casino Royale since I was there. "Won a $5.00 mp, for a net of +$9.00. The CR promo sucks big time. Promotional machines that just don't pay off. BUT, the free pull on the sidewalk machines award one of 3 prizes if you win. $100, $50 in play on the promo slots, or $5.00 match play for '3rd'. I got lucky and won the 'better' bottom prize on the sidewalk. A little later, I played again and 'won' $50, and the lady next to me won the $5.00 mp. I asked if she wanted to trade with me, and she looked at me like I'm an idiot and can't do the deal fast enough. Than tells her husband how foolish I was.

I usually will make a 'dealer' bet when I win on a mp if on roulette or craps. That is why my cash out amounts may seem inconsistent, and if the dealer sees me with more than 1 mp, won't rat me out.

Imperial Palace was a net -$10.00 on mp.
Venetian was next. +$44.00 on $15.00 mp, and cashed another $9.87 from $15 free slots. Net at Venetian +$38.87. I'm still in full combat mode, but want to sit and rest awhile. The poker room is inviting, but I lose a few bucks in a very short session. Got coupon offers to run before playing poker for longer sessions.
Leave Venetian after a little sight seeing and catch the Deuce. Back a Binion's, quick shower and relax for a few and down to the Experience. "Hell, why not do some offers?" thinks I. So I did.
Plaza. Got a fun book too. Net + 5.00 on mp. Poker offer is $25 for 20 so I play. Cash out $140 for my 60 buy in, and my plaza net for offers is + $5.00 on mp, and poker is + $80.00.
Vegas Club cash out is $10.00
Four Queens $10 for $15 "WIN" card puts me -$11.00 Grrrr
Fitzgerald's $5.00 mp nets at - $5.00 Grrrr.
Two more Binion's $10.00 mp and lose both for net -$20.00 Grrrr. Somehow ::

My " scheduled itinerary" was 5 offers outside DT, after LVA office, and perhaps 1-2 downtown afterwards. I completed 6 offers, plus Casino Royale, and also stopped at O'sheas and Flamingo for a look see, than 5 more downtown offers. Whew. it's been a bad result day for match plays. (+ $35.00 or so not including poker) and I did cover a lot of ground. But, I am somewhat disappointed with my coupon run results.
My feet are tired and damn, I forgot my pedometer! I was not uncomfortable during my travels.
Friday, my itinerary has 5 locations. Since the only downtown spot left with an offer is El Cortez, I may decide to keep moving and try to get the 'last 6 outsiders' as well, to complete 21 of my initial 22 casino's with offers.
Whenever I won a match play, I usually tipped the dealer, or made a $1.00 bet for the dealer. Usually an even money roulette bet with mp's because they're fast and I can keep moving. Don't mind sacrificing a slightly larger house vig for speed. I did not, and do not intend to loiter until I'm "done" with the offers.
That's it for now. It's Saturday morning, 3:47 EDT, and I'm still wired. Going to go check out the poker room at Binion's. Again. And a cocktail of more too.
Part two next message: