My husband and I visiited Live a few months after it opened, seeing it advertised on billboards near another casinos we had visited. Our first impression was WOW, what an upscale casino. It has awesome curb appeal, but not what slot players are looking for. We like to play penny slots and could find very few. There was only six machines of the type I would consider one of my favorites. I stood by them for 1 1/2 hours and the same six people played them the entire time. So I had to play some other machines, or a two hour drive from Ohio was totally wasted. Well it would have been better to not play at all. We lost almost $200 in about 45 minutes of actual play time.
We received some meager invitations from the players's club but do not consider those worth another trip. it looks like the reviews thus far indicate no improvement since we were there.
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We received some meager invitations from the players's club but do not consider those worth another trip. it looks like the reviews thus far indicate no improvement since we were there.
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