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Larry Edell podcast on craps

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  • Larry Edell podcast on craps

    Am I just stupid or was Larry way off base on his comp system he talked about on the September, 2007 Pod-cast?

    He talked about betting $12 on 6 and the 8 (which is almost the loss limit he talked about) If you give the dealers $4 in tips you would lose in one roll you're out until the next time you use your next $100. I know if you get the right shooter you could keep on making money or you would reach the $30 win limit in a couple of hits.

    How could you rack up $500 in comps in playing for 5 - 10 minutes?

    Maybe if you only play the good shooters only then you could play for 3 - 4 hours but still I don't think they would rate you while you're not playing.

    Did I miss a couple of zero's in his statement or does it really think you could really make $500 in comps playing for a few minutes on $500?

  • #2
    Re: Larry Edell Podcast

    I'll send your comment to Larry.

    I will also try to listen again to hear what was said, but it may be a day or so.


    • #3
      Re: Larry Edell Podcast

      I went back and listened again.

      In the podcast I told Larry that I thought his explanation of getting the comps was too simplistic and that I didn't agree with it.

      However, I also told him that I understood his concept of trying to milk the comp sysytem while playing craps and I thought that was a good idea.

      The only way I think his system would work is if you won most of the time when you played your five sessions.

      Even then you would have to spend a lot of time in action at the table in order to get your four hours of rated play in each day.

      I guess you could also get the same rated play in each day even if you lost, but I think it would be a much harder feat to accomplish.

