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Claive Voyant 8/12 column

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  • Claive Voyant 8/12 column

    Claire Voyant - Las Vegas Gossip

  • #2
    Re: Claive Voyant 8/12 column

    Lots of music to explore.
    Perhaps folks can suggest their favorite free lounge music and label it by how loud and fast it is. I like the softer, jazzy, folky, country, swing, ratpack, single vocalist sort of stuff that might have been popular before rock and roll and certainly before heavy metal. Any suggestions for October/November?


    • #3
      Re: Claive Voyant 8/12 column

      Dewey - I am currently working on my October/November trip and I think our tastes in music run along the same lines.

      While it is early for lounge acts to be posted on the various casino websites, here are some thoughts:

      Probably anyone who plays at the Gold Coast lounge during the day would appeal to you.

      Not a lounge act, but free shows on Thursdays afternoons offer a wide variety of musical entertainment. You will find these shows at Sam's Town, South Point and the Suncoast.

      Mark O’Toole plays at the M Resort on Wed 4-7P and Sat 6:30-8:30P. He is an exceptional signer/entertainer who draws a predominately older crowd to his performances. Mark OToole Music - Las Vegas, NV.

      A quartet of accomplished musicians led by Enrique Corro and David van Such plays smooth jazz Tue-Sun @ 8PM at the Tuscany. I have listened to van Such when he had is own band and he is excellent.

      Wes Winter plays in the Grandview Lounge @ South Point Fri-Sat 6-9P. Listen to him long enough and he kinda grows on you. All drinks at the South Point are just $2 on Fridays so sit back with your favorite libation and listen to Wes.


      • #4
        Re: Claive Voyant 8/12 column

        Thanks Westie. I added all that to my notes. If you think of others, I'll add them. I have 22 nights and I can't gamble all the time. I do like the Gold Coast lounge folks.


        • #5
          Re: Claive Voyant 8/12 column

          Dewey - I am not sure where you will be staying this upcoming trip, but if it is on the Boulder Highway, I would encourage you to check out the entertainment schedule at Roxy's in Sam's. For the past several months, the Sun-Tue line-up has remained the same:

          Tue - The Nitekings -old school music. I don't like them, but they have a big following so you may enjoy them. I also noticed they are playing at the Orleans on Wednesdays this month.

          Mon - The Fab - this group plays Beatles' music and they have a strong following. Currently playing at the Orleans on Thursdays.

          Sun - Mark Giovi - an outstanding singer. I highly recommend seeing him.


          • #6
            Re: Claive Voyant 8/12 column

            Thanks, Westie.

            I'm staying downtown as I'm booked right now, mostly at the Gold Spike but some at EC and some at Four Queens.
            Sam's is easy enough to access by shuttle or bus. By Oct/Nov there will be a new Express running along Boulder and while I don't yet have a good sense of the route, it will be much faster than the 107 to get from downtown or back.

            I generally can get most places. Southpoint is a bit inconvenient, especially from downtown, but almost any other place is easy. Since I'm going for 22 nights I'll just get a 30 day pass and have access to all buses, no questions asked.
            So if you hear of any good music, let me know.
            Since I started playing live poker, I have not searched out and planned lounge music as much as I did when I was just gambling and little an then moving on. I think I'll do more of that this trip.

            Last trip I did do one lounge night, and saw a great Latin group at the Eastside Cannery. It was really the most authentic Latin music I have heard with most of it in Spanish and most of the audience Latino. And the light Eastside Cannery microbrew was just a buck a bottle. I only had one and nursed it through two sets because I had been drinking free all night at the poker table, but I could see making a night of that music. I think that may have been the Claudine Castro band, but I am not certain. I did not note the name. Also at Marilyn's Lounge at times coming soon is the Next Movement which is R and B if I remember. I do remember I liked that group, so if them come again, I might go see them.
            I like to go where it is cheap. Then if I get tired or just don't like the sound, I can leave and have lost nothing except travel time.

            I don't seem to retain the names very well. I need to take more notes.

            I appreciate any tips. Here are my music reflections from my last trip. You can get a sense of my eclectic tastes and what I don't like as well.

            Vegas Adventures: TR Snippet - Vegas Music reflections

