1. Slot play. I thought it was bad before, but now it has become just plain insulting to the player. You are lucky if you are able to get a 30% payout on any machine that you play, I know, I was keeping track. On a Playboy machine I was playing I put 40 dollars into it and won exactly 4 dollars back, and that was with a bonus spin. Bonus spins are rare on any machine you play and when you do hit a bonus the payout is horrible. I played a Red Hot Jackpot machine and hit the bonus rounds twice in 40 dollors worth of play. Both bonus rounds paid an average of seven dollars, which it immediately took back without a single winning line in between. If I could have rated the slot play any lower, it would have been in the negative numbers.
2. Atmosphere: There is a lack of friendliness and personality, the employees wander around like zombies on the floor looking like they would rather be somewhere else. And I am sure they have heard alot of complaining from the patrons, so I am sure they would rather be somewhere else, refer to line 1 as to why people are complaining. I will say however that the employees in the Valet department are very friendly and do try to make people feel welcome when they arrive.
3. Machine upkeep: Wow! What is wrong with the people running this place??? Half the card readers dont work most of the time, so you will lose ALOT of comps if you are not watching the readers carefully. I couldnt believe how many of their machines have broken buttons, cracked glass, and burned out lights. One machine I know of in particular has had a broken glass on it for at least the last 4 months and STILL hasnt been repaired. Here's a tip for the management: FIX YOUR BROKEN EQUIPMENT!
4. Food: Greaseburgers from hell, Hotdogs that are better suited to a dog's rubber chew toy, or an overpriced steakhouse no one can afford to go to. The Buffet is not bad, just a little on the bland side. The ice cream place, is good if you can get someone to come out from their back room to actually serve you.
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