Husband and I live in Charleston. We were extremely happy to get table games. We have played here for years. Since table games came to casino, everything has changed for the worse. Slot machines never hit, good luck at winning any money at black jack or poker. Employees are clearly unhappy. One employee told me the casino considers 35 hours full-time, when, full-time is 40 hours.

The employee said there lucky to get 30 hours and are always getting sent home early because of over staffing and lack of business. Seems to me that the only one winning is the owner, who charges for everything including drinks. I thought this was casino, you play, you drink for free. They promised good paying jobs but when speaking with employees they have to work 2nd job or welfare to make ends meet. One lady has worked there over seven years has had one raise, 10 cents. We, tax payers, public were lied to when they said bringing table games would boost economy only, thing it did was make the owner richer because he was too greedy to give his employees hours or decent pay. As for my husband and I, we will take our money elsewhere.

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