We ended up getting there before 9 and having to wait in a line for over an hour to get our tickets which we have already purchased. Harrah's had 2 employees sitting at a table with a clip board of THOUSANDS of names and envelopes with everyones tickets. Needless to say this seemed ridiculous considering I bought the tickets online to go to a huge casino you might asume that they would at least provide a computer or something to help things go a little smoother than 2 girls searching through a ton of names for every person walking through the door.
After waiting through this line and finally recieving my tickets we had to go wait in yet another line just to walk through the door. All the while they had stations set up selling us drinks while we should have been enjoying our "open bar". They also had a beer guy walking up and down the line selling beers for 5 dollars. Considering this was a nice casino and I paid a decent price and dressed nice for this evet, I felt as though this was extremely tacky.
Once inside the bar (finally) we had about 1 hour and 15 min left of our "3 hour open bar". When we did try to get a drink it was extremely hard to even get served. Everyone was in a mad scramble to get drinks considering the fact that everyone was being slighted for what they paid. The bartenders were very slow and inconsistent. Finally we started throwing up $20 tips and even still couldnt get good service. I ended up paying much more for this open bar then I ever have just going out and buying all my drinks at full price.
The place was crazy packed and it seemed as though everyone was ****ed off (probably because we all got screwed by harrahs little new years scam) By 1am we were a little tired of fighting through the crowds and trying to get drinks , we decided to go some place else. While trying to leave The Pool another party attender decided to come over and assalt my friend. My boyfriend's reaction was to pull the guy off our friend and at this point the security bum rushed my boyfreind and ended up cuffing him and treating him like a criminal while the man who started this mess walked free. They repeatedly treated my boyfreind with extreme force even though he was not fighting back in any way. When they took him to a holding cell, I had asked a security guard to let me know where my boyfreind was... he then took me to where they were holding my boyfreind, but only to get screamed at by the other security guards and told that I could not be anywhere near him. (Once again treating us as if we were criminals or somthing rediculous while we were trying to be as calm as the situation was allowing.)
Once they found out that my boyfreind was not at fault they still continued to hold him and then made him leave the premisis, not even allowing him to wait outside with me for a cab. They forced him to walk across the street in the freezing rain and wait for me over there while I tried to get a cab and then go pick him up. This all seeming rediculous and extreme considering we were attacked not the attackers. I am so upset with the customer service and the security at Harrah's. I will never go back and give them any of my money. I do not recommend this casino in any way. I have had a great time at a lot of other casinos and feel as though all of this negativity could have been avioded if this establishment was organized and ran well...obviously it is not.
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