Indian casinos are free to set payback percentages as low as the tribes and their casino operators wish in order to maximize profits. They can change the payout percentage at any time to any level they wish. A recent letter from the National Indian Gaming Commission states "The NIGC does not establish minimum pay out percentages; that is up to each tribal operation to determine for themselves."A 1999 decision in the federal case :Missouri ex rel. Nixon v Coeur D'Alene Tribe" preempted all states in which Indian casinos are located to regulate gambling. This information was obtained fron the North Carolina Attorney General's Office. The 1994 compact between Governor Jim Hunt and the Eastern Band of Cherokees requiring a minimum payout of 83% was preempted by thus court decision. On a recent trip to Cherokee, I played $100.00 in a dollar machine a dollar per spin, and did not get a single win. this was a payback of 0%. Based on my experience, and reviews of other Cherokee patrons on the internet, the payback is probably well below 50%.Anyone planning a trip to gamble at an Indian casino should be prepared to lose their money in a short period of time.This is why it is impossible to get an Indian casino to tell you their minimum payback percentage-THERE ISN'T ANY MINIMUM!
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