Trip Report Day One Sept 19th 2008

Left Santa Su 5:20 AM driving.

Arrived Las Vegas about 9:30AM to Ellis Island, always my first stop. The blackjack has been reduced to $3 24/7, (no more $1 dollar from 10 to 2 Mon to Thurs), but the pints of micro brew are up.50 to $1.50, unless you’re gambling, which we always are. The brew master was there making the beer, so it’s confirmed they do make it there. Best beer I’ve had. 4 hours of video poker, wheel of fortune(wifey) and breklunch, waffle her and steak & beer me. Wifey and I both hit our match plays from the restaurant place mats, myself a double down. How’s that for a free meal!

Off to the El Cortez to check in. Don’t get a Pavilion room. Cellblock C, a converted parking garage with doors opening to the outside. WTF? Ok whadda ya want for $30 bucks a night on a weekend, but a great view of the El Cortez sign and Fremont St East.

The door had obviously been jimmied in the past and we didn’t get the bullit proof glass like some of the other rooms. Dang it! Is this why we’ve never stayed downtown before?

Walked around downtown and checked out the casinos and bars. Seemed off for a weekend. Hit the Fremont for their seafood fantasy buffet, and it was surprisingly good, and the ambiance was also good for a buffet. If you want your crab legs warm, you take them over to the Chinese section and they heat them for you. OK. I had the super munchies.We headed back to the room for a nap. At 1:54 AM a drunk tried to get into our room while we were sleeping. Then when his key didn’t work he started banging loudly on our door. Scared the **** out of my wife, but it was only an old drunk guy in a wheel chair. God bless him!

Well, now we’re up so it’s out to check out what’s going on downtown at 2:45 AM on a Saturday morning. The Griffin was happening, and the Beauty bar right next door was spilling out on to the street. You gotta have sleeves to get in to the Griffin. Sideways hats, baggy pants down to your knees, tons of bling bling jewelry, tats over 90% of your exposed skin and pierced everything galore are ok but you have to have sleeves to get in.

Several of the casinos were CLOSED! On a Saturday morning (Friday night). I saw a lot of $5 dollar 2 deck hand delt. The gaff is you can re split aces only once, and of course you get only one card. Not that bad, much better than before. A bunch of Craps tables, most with a $5 dollar minimum, and low dollar roulette. The El CO had 4 tables of .25 roulette.

Back to the room about 5AM and out like a light.

Day two coming soon.