During its day, Sands Bethlehem Casino was one of the best I have ever been to. The slots consistently paid out, you would always walk away with prizes and perks. Now, that has all changed. Once management decided to get rid of the top paying machines and allow disgusting, dirty, rude people to invade the casino, this place has totally taken a turn for the worst. The machines are extremely tight with broken keys, reels, no wins at all. The tables are equally as tight. These nasty people argue directly in back of you. they stare, loiter and create a very uncomfortable atmosphere. Every time I go here, I not only lose consistently, but I get increasingly annoyed with these individuals. Complaining repeatedly to management and to the PACC has been useless. Sands Bethlehem has grown very deep, stingy pockets in recent months. Perhaps this is why they are tops in revenue for the state. They are now out of 9 operating casinos in PA. with 1 being best payout percentage and 9 being worst, number "7". All in all, I'd stay the hell away from this place. The only thing..and I mean only thing that is half decent are the restaurants. And even they, at times really provide horrible food and service.
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