When is New York State going to become a gambling paradise when they conduct a sham regarding slots and video poker. Why have they not adopted the rules and regulations of venues such as Atlantic City, Connecticut, Las Vegas and Pennsylvania by introducing RANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS in their slot and video poker machines. The State dupes the puble by utilizing the VIDEO LOTTERY TERMINAL machine instead of the RANDON NUMBER GENERATOR. The State relies on the public who have no knowledge of slot/video poker machines. The VLT is controlled by by a Central Computer in Albany and controls the winners in each machine. What a sham! Instead of letting the public play the properly controlled RNG machines the State wants to reap in additional funds by pretending the public are playing honestly programmed machines. Instead, the State is controlling the number of winners. The Connecticut, Atlantic City and Pennsylvania casinos appear to be doing exceptionally well without reverting to behind the wall shenanigans such as VIDEO LOTTERY TERMINALS. I believe the State should allow private enterprise to operate any of the New York State Lottery operated casinos without interference from the State Lottery Commission. I rather travel two hours and know that I am getting an honest game. Thank you for your attention.
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