If there was a ranking below ZERO, this place deserved it. It is funny that the casino owners are so stupid and greedy they do not care what you think of them they are like Vulture continue to feed on your remains. This place is not like other casinos to entertain you while take some of your money. The payout is almost zero here. I believe the machines are remotely controlled. If you are new to a machine they will allow the machine to pay you enough to hook you to that particular machine and then they start taking your money.. This is so bizarre. My sister put $300 in one of their machines a few nights ago that claimed will give over some hundred free spins, and played $.90 a hit and sometimes $1.5 per hit and lost all $300 in less than 35 minutes. At one point she got 54 free spins and the 54 free spins gave her $0.38. That is the truth. The woman sitting beside us said she had put $700 so far with no return. I was thinking the reason they do not go from one machine to another is that none pays. I stopped playing a few months ago and actually do not enjoy even thinking about playing there just go with sister and watch her lose her money which she is going less and less. I hope they close the doors of this place soon and I am sure many wish the same. If not anyone believes how horrible this place is they can go and experience it for themselves and let everyone know if I was correct.
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