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  • STUNGAZED's TRIP REPORT OCTOBER 15 - 17 & 25 - 29

    Trip Report
    October 15 – 17 & 25 – 29

    Well it’s time for another trip to Las Vegas. This trip isn’t going to be my standard type trip. The main reason for this trip is to bookend a cruise I will be taking out of Los Angeles. This report will be split into 2 parts to make up one report. I won’t include the cruise details in this report but I will include a link to the review I do. While this won’t be the typical trip, I can assure you there will be some hitting promos, comps, and coupons. One other thing to note is that my girlfriend Dee won’t be joining me on this trip (and will be missed) because this trip was planned before things got serious between us (not to mention the lack of time off). Also note that I won’t have my laptop with me this trip so the report is being compiled from notes I will take and probably won’t be as detailed as normal. So now that everything’s packed, let’s get going!

    Day 1
    Wednesday October 15, 2008

    Today I had to work but took an early out. I have a late afternoon flight and I couldn’t work a whole shift. On the same note, there was no need to waste a full day off either so I worked until 2pm. I punched out and hopped into the rental car that I booked and picked up at Stewart – Newburgh, the local airport. As always I booked with Avis. I booked this car back in August and scored a standard SUV for just $48. This was actually cheaper than the cars including compacts for some reason. I’m guessing because of gas prices no one wants to rent them. When I picked this car up yesterday it was ready. This has been a problem here the last few times I’ve rented. They issued me a Ford Explorer with 32000 miles on it. Amazingly it was in good condition. The problem was the gas tank was a little lower than full. In the past I wouldn’t have worried about that but with gas at $3.75 a gallon, this is a problem. I went back in and had told the agent who offered to have one of the guys follow me to the local station to fill it up or to just adjust my contract. I took the adjustment as it was easier.

    Traffic wasn’t too bad heading to Newark since it was mid-week and a bit early for rush hour. I stopped at Wendy’s and picked up a snack for lunch and a little extra to take on the flight. As always I stopped at my usual gassing point just outside of the Meadowlands and made the rest of the trek to Newark Airport. I only had to put in a few bucks worth because of the fuel adjustment. I probably could have gotten away with putting none in but it wasn’t worth the risk.

    Dropping off the car in Newark was a breeze except the agent noted my gas was low. I had to explain to him it was supposed to be low because it went out low. Here’s where it gets interesting. He completes his check in and I get my receipt and it’s about $20 lower than I was expecting it to be. There was no major breakdown on this slip so I have no idea what happened. After getting home I checked my e-mail and saw that he marked my tank as full when I dropped off and they gave me credit for the gas of over $19! SWEET! Dropping off here has always been pretty good. It’s picking up that’s usually the problem. After an uneventful drop off it was up to the monorail and over to Terminal A. Today’s flight is on USAir. I’m not a big fan of this airline anymore. Back when they were still separate from America West I loved America West. Since the merger though, this airline isn’t as good as it used to be. The reason for taking them this trip was price. I used some old banked frequent flyer miles and with the 911 tax and the new rip off processing fee this flight cost me $35.

    Check in went very quickly but USAir charges $15 for your first checked bag. I think this trend the airlines are taking is pitiful. I think they should just raise their fares by a few dollars to offset their costs and not nickel and dime their passengers. In a few minutes I was on my way to security. Here it was the same old crap I always deal with. Now with airlines charging for taking luggage more people are doing carry on bags and it’s making security lines even longer and slower than they used to be.

    I had plenty of time before my flight so I got a snack for the flight because the USAir doesn’t give you anything these days unless you pay extra for it. Christ almighty I wish they would just raise fares a few bucks and let me have my luggage and a meal for “free”. More bean counters that think effing their customers is a better way to make money than by treating them with respect and modest price hikes.

    I’m on flight #35 scheduled to depart at 4:59pm. We pushed back on time but there was a ton of air traffic and lots of planes waiting to take off and we sat on the tarmac for 45 minutes. I don’t know why but there are always people on flights that think they are exceptions to the rule. There are two people I’d like to recognize on this flight (among the stand non rule following passengers). The guy sitting next to me that felt he was allowed to talk on his cell phone after we pushed back from the gate and send text messages as well as the guy behind me. The other one is the dumb lady that felt, while we were taxiing on the runway during our delay felt it was ok to get up and walk around the cabin.

    Since this is a frequent flyer ticket I wasn’t able to get a non-stop so I’ll be connecting on Phoenix. We’re scheduled to arrive there at 7:16pm. The movie on the flight was Incredible Hulk. Since I worked all day and have been up since 4:30am, I tried to sleep for a good part of the flight and to read some of the book that Dee lent me. I was able to get a few winks in. Now USAir has stopped giving food away a long time ago except for a small bag of peanuts or pretzels but more recently they stopped doing that AND stopped giving out free drinks. Now they hawk soft drinks and water for $2 and alcoholic drinks for $7. This along with food ranging from $5 - $7. On this flight they hawked and hawked and hawked and by the time they got ½ way through the plane, they were out of food. Now explain to me how the airline expects to make any money by selling food and then running out ½ way through the cabin. This is unacceptable and another reason why the airlines are among the worst run businesses in the world.

    We were late getting into Phoenix because of our delay. The flight attendant came on the PA and asked that those people that didn’t have connections please wait in their seats. This was so those that did have connections could exit and hopefully still make their connection. I’d like to personally thank all of the prick scumbags that feel they are too good or in too much of a hurry to go wait for luggage for ignoring that request. May you all miss your next flight because someone did the same to all of you!

    I haven’t been to Sky Harbor in a long time and I only had a 43 minute layover. Being late made my connection tight. Of course my connection gate was clear on the other side of the terminal. I made my connection with no issues and boarded the next flight but was the last one to board and almost didn’t make it. That would have really sucked.

    This is flight #232 and departs at 7:59pm and arrived in Las Vegas at 9:09pm. This flight was uneventful and no frills and we landed in Las Vegas early.

    After getting off the plane I made the customary stop at the can before making my way to baggage claim. It took about 10 minutes to get my bag and I was off to the rental car shuttle. This is one thing that they seem to be doing a pretty good job running. In just a few minutes we were at the renal car facility and I headed up to the Dollar level. I had a full size car booked. Originally when I was looking at rates for this leg of the trip the rates were VERY high, in the $45 per day range. They eventually came down and I locked in at $22.97 per day. As I always do I check rates often and got lucky about 2 weeks ago scoring the same car for just $13.53 per day for the 2 day rental. This place wasn’t well organized. They had no full sized cards available and I was told by the lot attendant to give him five minutes and I’d have a car. Up rolled an electric blue Dodge Charger that brand new with only 2 miles on it! While I just hit the jackpot my only thought was, why don’t I ever get the brand new car when I’m renting for 2 weeks!! I was off to security and then on my way to Bally’s.

    When I got to Bally’s I used the valet. I hate the self parking garage here because it’s 2 miles from the hotel. When I got to Bally’s the diamond check in was closed so I checked in at the regular area. I’m staying here for the next 2 nights although I have booked the room offer they sent me for 3 nights as I’m not sure what time of day we will be heading out to LA and the offer was good for 3 nights anyway. It also comes with $400 cash to help with travel expenses! There wasn’t much of a line here and check in went quick except for some reason I always get stuck behind the people that don’t know the procedure of checking into a hotel and slow everything down. I was given room 1706 with a view of Paris. This room has 1 king bed, wall unit, work desk, nightstands and sitting chair. The bathroom is small but good enough for me being alone. When Dee is with me I prefer a larger bathroom when possible so we have room to maneuver.

    Speaking of Dee, even though she’s not with me this trip, we’ve been communicating through text messages and I’ve been updating her on the trip.

    Since I’m in Vegas I wanted to go out for a while. My first stop was over to Paris to see if Ned the dealer was around and he was. The first thing he asked me is, “Where’s Dee?” For those that might not know, Ned was a craps dealer at Fiesta Henderson years ago and I always got along with him. I decided to go over to Bill’s and grab a hot dog using the coupon from the AGC. This is always a great value and even without the coupon isn’t a bad deal. I decided to take it easy tonight and just wanted to play some penny slots for fun. My first game was Gold Fish. It’s one of my favorite penny slots. I was doing ok on this one and hit a bonus round and for the first time ever got the actual Goldfish bonus. In this bonus you get 10 free spins and if you win anything, a bubble pops with a multiplier from 2X – 10X. I was getting some nice hits and then on one of my free spins I hit the Fish Food Bonus. I did really well on this one and hit it for over 3,000 coins. To my surprise after I finished the bonus I still got a bubble and it was for 10X so this was worth over 30,000 coins. I finished that bonus round with 45,520 coins. That’s equal to $455 playing penny slots! I was impressed to say the least.

    I cashed out of that machine and went to a Super Jackpot Party. I hit a few bonus rounds on there and the highlight was hitting one spin for over 12,000 coins. I played a bit longer and moved to the new ebay slots. I couldn’t hit a thing on these and didn’t even get a bonus round.

    I left Bill’s after a few hours of play and walked out with $300 in winnings and went back to Paris. I found Ned at a BJ table. I don’t normally play BJ but Ned had a good table of people and I jumped in. The game was choppy and I didn’t get many double down or split chances but did pull a few blackjacks. After about 2 hours of play I cashed out ahead $100 and called it a night.

    Total win/loss for the day $400
    Total comps for the day $142

    Day 2
    Thursday October 16, 2008

    I woke up pretty early today. I looked over the options for playing today as far as promos and coupons went I decided to go with Sam’s Town. Since this is really my only day in town this week I wanted to hit something good. While this isn’t the greatest play I had traded for a $20 match play and a 5X points coupon. I also wanted to reestablish myself at Sam’s Town after not having been here in a few years.

    My first order of business was to get new slot cards. Since the last time I was there, the club changed, merged with Coasts and B-Connected. The girl at the booth was very helpful in getting me set up with a new card. I had all of my older players cards from Sam’s Town, Coasts, and the downtown Boyd properties. She was able to combine all of those cards into one account and I had over 200,000 points between all of the accounts.

    From here I found some 8/5 bonus $1 triple play machines. While I’m not fully bankrolled for this game long term, I like it from time to time to take a shot. Things weren’t good here today and not only did I not get any decent dealt winners, I got no quads and dropped $600 in no time. After this it was time to take a break and get something to eat.

    I had a nice breakfast of hash and eggs at the Café in the Park, the temporary coffee shop. Everything here was quick and service was good and as always, it was comped.

    After breakfast I hit the blackjack tables. I found a $10 double deck game and played 2 hands. Things were choppy here to begin with but then got better. I was hitting some doubles and splits and got a nice gain. Things got bad for a few decks and most of those gains were lost before I got back to back hands with double opportunities on both hands. Not only did I get them, I won them. I also won my $20 match play and walked away from the table with a $700 win.

    Next up was more triple play video poker. It was pretty much more of the same as before. There were very few dealt winners and I only scored one quad. I dropped another $500 into this machine and it was time to give up at Sam’s for the day after running only 10k through the machines.

    As I was walking through the casino heading to the parking garage I spotted some coupons sitting on a slot machine. One was for a free beer and one was for a free hotdog. Hmm, free lunch! I headed over to the snack bar to cash in my coupon for a big hot dog. They also give you a pickle and a small bag of chips with this. Over at the bar I grabbed a soda and headed out to the park to eat my free lunch! Now I know I have plenty of comps all over town and can eat free but something was fun about eating for free with coupons I found!

    I finally left Sam’s Town and went back to the Strip to Bally’s. I had to collect my $400 and that was only available between 4-6pm. I hate when they give you a great offer like this but then limit the pick up times like this. I got my $400 with no issues and went right back out and made my way to the Silverton.

    Here I had a tiny $25 in free play but free play is free play so I’ll take it. Here I played some 10-play video poker for quarters. If I could sum up 10-play in 1 word it would have to be FUN! I wasn’t getting many dealt winners but did manage to pull a few quads before things started to dry up. I wasn’t down much at this point so decided to try DDB hoping to hit a quick quad or 2 and get back into the game. This worked out well because on the 3rd hand I was dealt 3 deuces and pulled the 4th with a kicker on one line and a 4th on another. This got me back into it and I switched back to bonus poker. A few minutes later I held 3 to a royal and hit one on line 6 for my first quarter royal of the year.

    Shortly after I cashed out to lock up the gains and played some penny slots. My luck on these was great. I was hitting large pays and getting lots of bonus rounds. I didn’t get too far ahead but got to play a lot. So much in fact I ran over $2,700 through one machine. I eventually cashed out even and went to dinner at the Sundance grill.

    Things were slow at the Sundance Grill and I sat up at the counter. I went with my favorite prime rib sandwich and mashed potatoes. After dinner it was getting pretty late and I had a busy day tomorrow with packing up and leaving for LA.

    Total win/loss for the day $900
    Total comps for the day $617

    Day 3
    Friday October 17, 2008

    Today I was up early. I had to pack up and get ready to leave town. I’d be driving to the Los Angeles area with Anne, Steve, Jason, Christine and Terry where we’d be spending the night before tomorrow’s cruise.

    First up was a little casino business though. I had a coupon from the Harrah’s properties that was good for $100 if I earned 25 points in 2 different casinos. I also had a coupon from the ACG that was good for $5 in comps after earning 50 points. I thought this was a good opportunity to double dip since the $100 was given at the second property you earned the points and they’d have no idea I dropped off a coupon at the Flamingo. I decided since it was short tern I’d play some penny slots to earn these points. At the Flamingo I just got slammed. Couldn’t hit a thing and hit no bonus rounds on anything I played. I ran through a little more than the 50 points for the $5 comps and in the end dropped in the area of $150. I took my coupon to the Total Rewards booth and there were no issues in turning in the coupon.

    After that was taken care of I went back over to Bally’s. I was short on time so I played a 7/5 bonus $1 triple play machine to rack up the 25 points as fast as I could. As luck would have it I was dealt 3 deuces and connected with the 4th on the middle line. I also hit a few full houses and walked away from this machine up $205. This was good enough to offset the $150 loss at Flamingo and put me up by $50. Then I cashed in my coupon for a free $100 and completed the day up by $150. This wasn’t a bad day considering it was only about an hour of work and most of that was walking casino to casino.

    After I got my money I ran up to the room to get my things and headed out to the valet to pick up my rental car. The valet here has always been pretty good and with my diamond card my car came up before other cars of people that were already there. It’s one of the perks of being diamond that has paid off for me over the years.

    From Bally’s it was off to the Chevron station on the corner of Warm Springs and the strip to top off the tank. I only put about 40 miles on the car and it only took $2 in gas. I was surprised by this but they must have really had it full to the top when I picked it up. I met Anne and the group here and they followed me to the rental car facility. Dropping off took a little longer than normal. Dollar seemed to have been short handed and only had one guy doing returns. A manager finally came over and took care of me. I was on my way with receipt in hand and off to meet Anne and Steve in the visitor parking lot. From here it was off to Anne’s mother’s house to pick up her luggage (she was driving on her own). We left her house and made a quick stop at Jack in the Box and we were on the road at around 12 – 12:30pm.

    This was my first time ever driving to LA from Vegas and hopefully my last! In the future I’d rather just fly and avoid the traffic. There wasn’t much traffic but there were a few spots of construction that bottlenecked the 15 and then we hit rush hour traffic as we got into the LA area. This drive with a stop for a pee break and snack took in the area of 6 hours. We arrived at the Sunrise Hotel in San Pedro and I checked in and was in my room at about 6pm. Now I was checked in here AND I was still a registered guest at Bally’s in Las Vegas. I guess it’s kind of neat being a registered guest in 2 hotels in 2 different cities and states at the same time!
    Now even though I’ve left Vegas at this point it’s NOT the end of this trip. This trip will resume in just a week after the cruise. For anyone interested a review of the cruise can be seen at: A sapphire princess review october 18, 2008 sailing - Cruise Critic Message Boards
    and this report will continue on Saturday October 25.

    Total win/loss for the day $150
    Total comps for the day $339

  • #2
    Re: STUNGAZED's TRIP REPORT OCTOBER 15 - 17 & 25 - 29

    Day 4
    Saturday October 25, 2008

    Well it’s a sad day because my cruise to Mexico has come to an end. However, it’s a great day because I return to Las Vegas today. Disembarking off the ship was about as smooth as it gets and the whole gang met up in the passenger pick up area. The hotel where we stayed at last week lets you park the car there while you’re gone and they come get you when you return. After we got back to the hotel and got our things loaded into Anne’s truck we were on our way to LAX. While the rest of the bunch decided to stay in Santa Monica for the night I was flying back to Las Vegas on Southwest Airlines. Anne dropped me off at the Southwest terminal. I had checked in online yesterday from the cruise ship’s internet café and scored an “A” boarding pass. I was surprised by this since I didn’t do it until about 8 hours after I was able to. Checking baggage was a little long but the line moved well. One thing that’s great about Southwest is they don’t nickel and dime you for everything and luggage is FREE unlike the bigger airlines.

    Security was a breeze here as well except for the lady that had on a ton of jewelry that set off the metal detector. In just a few minutes I was at my gate and my flight was scheduled to leave on time. Since I had quite a bit of time before the flight I called up Dee who I had just received a text message from. We kept in touch by e-mail from the ship once per day but it was good to be able to actually talk to her. We chatted for about an hour and then it was time to board the plane. Most people don’t like the way Southwest does things but I have to say, it’s pretty damn good, especially if you have an “A” boarding pass.

    Today I was on flight 628 scheduled to depart at 1:28pm. The flight only had 75 people on it and everyone pretty much had their own row to themselves. This was nice! We actually pushed back early. I had never flown out of here before and the view was really cool of the LA area. The flight was quick and uneventful and next thing I knew I could see Red Rock Canyon, Red Rock Resort and then the Las Vegas Strip. We actually flew past the strip and circled out by Fiesta Henderson to make the final approach into the airport. We actually arrived 26 minutes early!

    I took the monorail to baggage claim and for some reason the bags took forever. I found it odd since there weren’t many people on this flight but my bag finally arrived and I was off to the rental car facility bus. Today I was renting from Avis. I had a coupon good for a free weekend rental. Passing by the rental counter my name was on the scoreboard with my spot number. I did have to stop by the preferred member booth to drop off my coupon though. I wanted to book 4 days but their daily rate after the weekend was way too high, especially by Las Vegas standards. So for this 2 day rental I would only have to pay the Facility tax of $6. I had a full sized car reserved on this offer and I was upgraded as an Avis First member (an upgraded tier of their frequent renter program) to a premium. They gave me a Buick Lucerne with 17,000 miles on it. The car was in great shape and I was on my way to Planet Hollywood.

    On my way I made a quick stop at Jack in the Box for their tacos to hold me over until I had dinner later on in the night.

    I had great hopes for Planet Hollywood but over the last few stays here I really don’t like the place. Mainly because of the parking situation here and the fact they are trying to attract the “Hard Rock” crowd. With that said though they sent me an offer I couldn’t refuse, identical to the offer I got from them for the summer. It’s good for 2 nights in a suite, $250 cash, $100 food and 2 free passes to the Spa. I only needed this room for 1 night as I will be moving tomorrow but the perks are what made it worth taking.

    After parking my car and taking the 42 miles walk I arrived in the check in area. There were no lines and I was right up to the counter. The agent there said they had blocked a room for me but it wasn’t ready so she went in the back for about 10 minutes. When she came out she apologized for the wait, and for my room not being ready and said she’d gotten me upgraded to their executive level on the 51st floor in room 5160 and I’d need to swipe my key to access this level.

    When I stepped out of the elevator I was already impressed with the hallway. I rolled up to my room and it was huge. It had a small foyer. Straight ahead was the living room that had a work desk, wall unit with TV, coffee table, sitting chairs and a sofa. There was also a stereo with an iPod docking station. To the right was the “make up” room. This room had a hue make up table and 4 closets. While this seems excessive to me it was kind of neat. From here it was into the bedroom. This was a standard Planet Hollywood bedroom with a king bed, nightstands, arm chair and a wall unit. The bathroom was huge with a large soaking tub (again, they skimp on a jetted tub in these rooms as well), duel sinks, glass shower stall, and separate toilet room. There was also a 6 inch LCD TV on the wall above the vanity. They also had full sized bottles of Gilchrist & Soames toiletries. Now I’ve had larger bottles in suites before but never full sized ones. Talk about a waste of money! This room was at the back of the hotel so I had a view of the Hard Rock and Ellis Island. It was a shame I would only be here for one night!

    Once I got settled in I text Dee to tell about the suite. She was getting ready to watch Hockey. Since my car had XM Satellite Radio I was able to listen to part of the game on my drive to Eastside Cannery. I caught the tail end and the Senators choked in the closing minutes. I only found out the next morning that Dee fell asleep before the end of the game!

    Just before heading out I stopped at the cage to cash in my coupon for the $250 in cash in my offer. I didn’t realize it but there was a change from last time I was here. I had to stop at the Slot Club booth and get this coupon validated. What a joke and a waste of time. After I did that there were no issues and away I went with $250!

    Anyway, on to Eastside Cannery. This was my first visit here since it opened and I was hoping it would be as good to me as the original Cannery. When I arrived I got a slot card and then inspected the video poker inventory. It was also their Neighborhood Partners day so I’d be able to cash in points for gift cards, although not at the same rate I usually do at the original Cannery it was still a decent deal. After scouting out the video poker I found a bank of 10-play machines. These had 8/5 bonus on them. I was having a hard time staying alive here. I had hit no quads and I was into the machine for $500 already. The dealt winners were far and few and the best dealt hand I had 2 was pair. Finally I hit a decent hand. I held 2 cards to a royal and scored a jackpot on line 6. This put me back ahead for the day and in a better place. The only thing I hate is Cannery likes to make royals hand pays instead of letting them rack up on the meter. After a lengthy wait I finally got paid and they rounded the change up to the next dollar (I hit a high par on a few other lines) so I made an extra 50 cents!

    Shortly after the royal I was dealt 3 aces. I was hoping to score the quad on at least one line sine I was playing 10-play. As luck would have it I scored 3 sets of quad aces! I cashed out shortly after this hit up $800 for the session on video poker.

    Next up I bounced around playing penny slots. As has been the theme for most of the trip so far I did well on these. I wasn’t winning much but I was getting to play and was hitting bonus rounds. I played a Monopoly slot and hit a bonus round for over 4,000 coins and then on a regular spin hit for over 12,000 coins. I cashed out after this and moved over to a 50c triple play machine. It seemed that as soon as I put in my $100 it was gone. I hit a few pairs of jacks and nothing else and didn’t even get a dealt winner. Since I didn’t want to lose the royal money I decided to give up for the day. I hit the slot club booth and scored a couple of Wal-Mart gift cards for my points. On the way out I played a $10 match play from the ACG on the roulette wheel on black. Red came up and I lost. This made me 1 for 2 on match plays at this point in the trip. I was done here at Eastside Cannery and went back to Planet Hollywood.

    Other than some Jack in the Box Tacos I hadn’t eaten anything today since I left the ship so I hit Planet Dailies, the coffee shop at Planet Hollywood. My $100 in food that came with the room was in the form of two $50 coupons and they were use it or lose it. I tend to overeat when I have a situation like that and tonight was no different. Actually compared to the food I consumed on the cruise, this was a light snack! I started off with chicken wings. This in itself was enough for a meal. I followed that up with a pork chop dinner. This chop was huge and it came with all the fixings. I was still way below the $50 of the coupon so I ordered a slice of cheesecake to go. I was tempted to go for the chocolate cake, but Dee and I have had that twice in the past and it’s enough to feed 4 people so I passed. My bill came to just over $40 but that was plenty. It was about 2am now and I had a long day so hit the room and called it a day.

    Total win/loss for the day $900
    Total comps for the day $629

    Day 5
    Sunday October 26, 2008

    Even though I was up late last night I was up early today. My plan today was to go to Bally’s and play a little bit. The reason for this was 2 fold. One was that I was very close to being diamond again for next year. The second reason being I had stiffed or short played the Harrah’s properties non – stop for the past 2 – 3 years and wanted to continue to get mail offers for those places. I opted for $1 triple play 7/5 bonus. While not a great play, for my purposes it would do the trick. I was holding my own here. Quads were lacking but I was hitting lots of dealt winners to keep me going. I eventually hit a few quads but none were of the bonus variety. I had achieved the coin in level I was hoping to hit and I was only down $25 after an hour of play. I thought this was a small price to pay to be diamond again for another year and to potentially continue getting mail offers from the properties out there.

    Since it was about lunch time I decided I’d walk across the street to Bill’s and grab another one of those free hot dogs with an ACG coupon. As always there’s no hassle with this coupon and I grabbed a soda at the bar instead of a beer. While I ate I played a variety of penny slots. I got a lot of play here once again at Bills. My comp balance on my card went from $5 (that I earned last week) to over $17. After it was all done I was up a quarter! I guess that’s not a bad day, free lunch, play for a while, earn $12 in comps AND win a quarter! This is the big time baby!

    It was time to get moving for the day so I ran up to my room at Planet Hollywood and grabbed my things and took the 676 miles trek back to the car. I won’t miss doing this the rest of the trip. From Planet Hollywood I went directly to the Hard Rock to check in. I had to park in the garage because my surface lot I used to like was now a building! They’re doing a major renovation and expansion here at the Hard Rock. Inside it was a little different too with lots of new things added since I was here in the summer.

    I walked into the VIP check in room and Becky remembered me instantly. This is one of the things that keeps me coming here. The staff remembers me. I used a marketing offer this time instead of booking through my host. The reason for this is that marketing doesn’t take comps to “pay” for the room and my host does. I thought since my play would be very light this trip it was the way to go. I would also be getting $100 free play, $50 food, and $100 travel cash along with my 3 nights. In just a few minutes Becky had me set up with room 562 with a pool view. Now only was it a pool view it was a construction view of the new hotel tower. It was kind of fun watching put the glass on it from my room. This room had 2 queen beds and the standard Hard Rock furnishings. One thing they have added since my last stay here was HD TV stations on their 42 inch plasmas! If you’ve never experienced HD on a big screen, the color and detail is amazing.

    I got my things up to the room and headed out. I had plans to go to Sam’s Town for an event later on but that wasn’t until 4pm. My first stop was the 99 cent store on Flamingo to get some survival supplies for the short week. This place was packed today and there were long lines but they moved quickly. From here it was onto Pecos and Tropicana and the Pinball Hall of Fame. As always this place is just plain old fun and a great way to preserve bankroll.

    After I was done playing games it was off to Sam’s Town. My main reason for going there today is to watch WWE Cyber Sunday. They show WWE Pay-per-views at Sam’s Town Live for free every month and this is the first time in all of my years I’m actually able to go! They also have a cash bar and stadium style food for purchase. It is open seating and they also give away prizes (crap from their giveaways they had left over). The food prices aren’t exactly cheap and neither are the drinks. I had a small hamburger that they got $1.75 for and a Diet Coke that was $2. Later in the show I had nachos supreme for $5. That was a good bargain. It was a huge mound of tortilla chips with gooey cheese sauce (Dee’s favorite, ha-ha!) and seasoned ground beef.

    During the event I got a call from Yahtzee Mike. He and Dana were in town and we set up some plans for tomorrow afternoon. After the event was over I went out to the Cannery to play some video poker. Today was also their Neighborhood Partners day so I would be able to get some gift cards for the points I earned. I decided that since I was up for the trip I would try some $1 triple play. This worked out well and I got lots of dealt winners and hit a fair share of quads. By the time I maxed out on the number of gift cards I would be able to get I was ahead over $300. After waiting in a huge line at the slot club I was able to get $80 in Wal-Mart gift cards. I also qualified on another promotion they were running that I didn’t even know about. For this one I got $10 in free play and a free buffet any Sunday for the next month. Unfortunately the buffet was closed already so this would go to waste. I ran the $10 in free play through a penny slot and cashed out $10.75 so it all worked out well. This is the way playing promos is supposed to work!

    From the Cannery it was back to the Hard Rock. I hit the craps table to play lower limits than usual to preserve bankroll. The table started out good then got choppy then got good. I was able to press up my bets and get ahead almost $1000. This was a great amount of money considering I wasn’t betting like a maniac. It was one of those tables that if I were betting like my old self, I would have won 7-10k. I finally cashed out up around $600 and called it a night as it was going on 3am.

    Total win/loss for the day $900
    Total comps for the day $448


    • #3
      Re: STUNGAZED's TRIP REPORT OCTOBER 15 - 17 & 25 - 29

      Day 6
      Monday October 27, 2008
      I slept in today since last night was a late one! By the time I got motivated it was time to head out and swap rental cars. I mentioned earlier that I had 2 free days with Avis and additional days were too expensive therefore a swap was in order. I had to make a quick stop to top off the gas tank and now that gas prices are coming down, it’s not quite as painful to do this. It was nice to be able to pull into the rental car facility and not have to worry about unloading luggage and going to the airport. Returning the car to Avis was a breeze and I headed across the facility to the Dollar area and the Dollar Express booth. They had my paperwork ready and I picked out a Dodge Charger in the lot with 4800 miles on it. While it was pretty new it wasn’t the same car I had last week with 2 miles on it. It also didn’t have as many features but for the 2 days I would have it and for under $17 a day ($30 cheaper than Avis wanted) it’s a great car.

      When I left the rental car facility my plan was to hit Fiesta Henderson. The plan here was to eat lunch, and use some coupons they sent me in the mail good for 3X points, a $5 match play, and a free gift for earning 500 points. First thing was lunch since I was starving. I went to the Baja Beach Café and sat at the counter. A server came over and the conversation went like this:
      Server: Do you need a menu?
      Me: No, I’m ready to order.
      Server: What would you like?
      Me: I’ll take the Feel Good Soup Fried Wontons, no mushrooms
      Server: (with scared look on his face) We don’t have that
      Me: What?
      Server: We don’t have that
      Me: What do you mean?
      Server: We have the Emperor’s Wonton now (gets a new menu since my last visit to show me)
      Me: Oh, that sucks. I’ve been getting that for years. It’s really good.
      Server: Yeah, I used to get it sometimes
      Me: ****, give me a minute to look over this new menu

      So I ended up ordering the Emperor’s Wonton. It’s wonton, pork, shrimp, & Veggies. It’s good but it’s no Feel Good Soup. I text Dee about this after I placed my order and told her I was about to cry. My long time favorite, her short time favorite was no longer on the menu. It’s a sad day at Fiesta Henderson. The food was good and after I ate I hit the casino.

      Since I had a 3X coupon I wanted to maximize a little bit even though I’ve got a ton of points at the Fiestas. I chose $1 8/5 bonus triple play. This machine was being pretty good to me giving me lots of dealt winner and a few quads of the bonus variety. I ran a little over 3k through the machine and cashed out ahead by just over $200. Then I played a variety of penny slots and for didn’t do very well. I ended up dropping about $100 on various games and decided to at least walk out with some profit.

      I went to the slot club to turn in my coupon for a free gift. I had a choice between a semi-circle glass picture frame and a poker chip set, neither of which I need. I chose the poker chips because they pack easier to go home with. They are cheap plastic crap but what the hell. They were free.

      On the way out the door I played my $5 match play on black at roulette. When I placed this coupon down the dealer looked at it like I was trying to rob the casino cage. She stared at it, read it 3-4 times, looked at me and then asked where I got it. I told her they mailed it to me. Then she called the floor person over who eyeballed it and then told her to let it play. I mean holy **** people. Inform your dealers that you mailed these things out so they have a clue. Let’s not even mention the fact it was for five effing dollars. Anyway, she finally spun the wheel and I lost again. This put me at 1 for 3 on match plays so far.

      When I left Fiesta Henderson I went downtown. The plan here was to hit the 4 Queens for some free play they sent me and to meet up with Yahtzee Mike and Dana. I parked over at Main Street Station and walked over to the 4 Queens where my first stop was the slot club booth to activate $80 in free play they sent me. I used this on the 9/5 Jacks or better 50 play machines playing 10 lines for quarters. I was lucky enough to turn this into $6 with very little play. Next up was some single deck blackjack. I played 2 hands at $25 a hand. Things were choppy at first with me winning one hand and losing the other. The killer here was not winning any of my double down hands. That hurt. Things turned around a bit and I got ahead a little. Then it was like someone turned a switch. The dealer was beating both my hands every round and I was busted out in a matter of minutes. I lost $275 here and hit the penny slots for a while. I had a few nice hits but nothing substantial. All in all I lost about $80 more bucks doing this.

      A left the 4 Queens and was on my way over to Main Street Station when Mike called. He and Dana were on their way to the 4 Queens themselves. I met them in the middle of Fremont Street and we decided they would skip the 4 Queens and we’d go get something to eat at the Cal Coffee shop with his Hawaiian Book that he got at Main Street Station when he checked in. When we got to the Cal the line was a mile long so we went over to Main Street Station. Mike scored a comp for 3 to the buffet at the slot club. We also talked to Gloria about the merging of all the clubs in the Coasts/B – Connected system. I think she’s as uniformed as most of the players were. Simply put, no one seems to know what combining these clubs is going to do or how to combine all the existing accounts. She said once everything is up and running correctly they are going to run a program that sorts out each player’s account in each of the casinos (Sam’s Town, Coasts, and the downtown Boyd properties) and automatically merge them. Well all I know is I’m glad I had a good boothling at Sam’s Town that took care of all that for me last week.

      There were no lines at the buffet so we didn’t get the perk of cutting in front of them. The food here was good as it usually is but I still have to say that over the years the quality isn’t what it used to be. Then again find me a buffet that is. Thanks to Mike for getting me comped here.

      After dinner we all played the triple/five play machines with 8/5 bonus. I was doing well at first and even hit quad aces. I wasn’t getting many dealt hands and that was draining me. I managed to pull quite a few full houses that kept me going but in the end I only hit 4 quads and even with hitting aces dropped $75 on this machine.

      When we were done playing video poker we all played BJ at a $5 double deck game. This game didn’t have the greatest rules (do double after split) but for $5 it did pay 3-2 on a BJ. I played 2 hands at $10 each. This table was tough from the beginning. The dealer was pulling 20’s and 21’s on 3 & 4 card draws. I was getting good hands but pushed and lost with 20 more times than I care to remember. We did get to play a long time and eventually Mike and Dana got busted out. I stayed a little bit longer almost getting back to even. Then I got whacked on a 4 way split (the 3rd time I got one of those tonight) and that was the beginning of the end. I dropped $160 here but did get quite a bit of play. Losing sucks though no matter how much action you got!!

      When I cashed in I saw bartender Bob was over at the Boar Bar so I went over to see him and play some jacks or better at the bar. This machine sucked up my money so fast it wasn’t funny. On a $100 buy in I only got $400 in action. I moved from the bar back to the casino and played a 10-play machine. I was getting killed here too but a few dealt winners kept me in the action. I was just about down to my loss limit and decided to try one last $100 on DDB. I hit a few quads and then pulled aces with a kicker on one of the lines. This got me back to “only” being down $100 for the session. During the day I ran over 10k through the machines and combined with my action at Sam’s last week I was upgraded to the Sapphire level of the Coast/B- Connected Card.

      I got back to the Hard Rock around 3am and couldn’t wait to get to bed!

      Total win/loss for the day -$700
      Total comps for the day $259


      • #4
        Re: STUNGAZED's TRIP REPORT OCTOBER 15 - 17 & 25 - 29

        Day 6
        Tuesday October 28, 2008

        I started my day late again to day after sleeping in. I still had some match play coupons I wanted to use up that I got in a trade that expired at the end of the month so I hit the streets and made my way to the Orleans where I had a $25 match play. Now things are pretty slow in Vegas right now but by looking at the Orleans you would never think so. This place was packed like no other casino in town. I played my match play at roulette again on black and up came a red number. This was a painful loss and put me 1 of 4 on match plays.

        Next up was a trip to the Gold Coast. It was 5X points there today plus I had a $10 match play for blackjack and a POV coupon for $5 in free play after earning 50 points. I started off playing some $1 triple play video poker. I was doing ok here but not hitting any quads. I was getting some dealt winners, mainly trips but just couldn’t connect with a 4th on any of the lines. I switched to DDB for my last $100 and hit a quad that got me back into reasonable distance of getting even. I ran almost 5k through and quit with a loss of $300.

        When I was done playing I hit the slot club and got my $5 in free play. I used this on a penny slot and doubled it up to $10 by the time I ran it through. This worked out well because I used this $10 to play my $10 blackjack match play. I was dealt a 17 against a dealer 10. There was nothing I could do as the dealer turned over her 20 and now had me 1 for 5 on match plays this trip.

        From the Gold Coast I went back to the Hard Rock to play some craps. This table was good and lots of numbers were rolling, although few points were being made. Then we had one shooter that had the dice for 10-15 minutes. I made about $1000 on his roll betting conservatively. He won about $20. Why? Because he was betting $5 on the line, no odds and placing the 6 or 8 for $6 and pulling it after he hit it once. I had one decent roll and 3 bad ones where I went out on my first roll. I finished the session up in the area of $1200-$1300 and quit while I was ahead.

        Now the plan here was to get away from the tables and save those wins so I headed back out to the Pinball Hall of Fame for some bankroll preservation. I stayed here for a few hours playing an assortment of classic games. I know I say this all of the time but if you get the chance, go check this place out. They have tons of great games from the past to the present the will surely bring back memories.

        I returned to the Hard Rock to clean out the car and pack my stuff up for tomorrow’s flight home. It didn’t take very long since I wasn’t in town for very long but it is amazing how much crap I can accumulate in just 4 days!

        When I was done packing up I hit the casino again. I had $100 in free play coming and $100 travel cash. I stopped off at the slot club and redeemed my coupons. After a quick stop at the cage to get my $100 travel cash I played the free play through a Wheel Poker machine with a crappy pay table on it. I didn’t get any quads so I didn’t get to spin the wheel but I did cash out with $125 when I was finished running it through.

        My next move was a bonehead move to the craps table. I knew I shouldn’t have played but still bought in. This table was ice cold. I can’t recall so many shooters setting a point and throwing a 7 on the next roll. I was tempted to switch to the dark side but I know that flipping back and forth is never a good idea. Then again, neither is playing on a cold table. I ended up losing everything I won this morning and then some and decided to run away from the table. I was still up quite a bit for the trip but this loss put a dent in it.

        I still had a $10 match play so I went to the roulette table and played black again. This time I finally hit it for a $20 win. A small victory at best after getting beaten at the craps table but this coupon put me 2 for 6 on the trip.

        After cashing out what was left I hit Mr. Lucky’s for a late night meal. I went with a chicken finger appetizer and as always after a loss, those comped fingers taste like crap! For some reason the service was slow and the food took forever tonight. This isn’t typical of Mr. Lucky’s. I finally packed it in after eating and although it sucked to end the trip on a losing note, I knew I was going home a winner tomorrow.

        Total win/loss for the day -$50
        Total comps for the day $384

        Day 7
        Wednesday October 29, 2008

        Well I was up early today to get ready for the trip home. I started my day at Mr. Lucky’s for breakfast. I had a $50 coupon for food and I figured I’d have breakfast and get some stuff to go for the trip home. For breakfast I had the bacon and 3 eggs that came with toast and hash browns. This meal was robbery at $14.95. I added a glass of $5 orange juice to that as well. I’m sorry but comped or not, $20 for 1 person to have breakfast is asinine. For an order to go I went with the Chicken Sandwich. It’s a grilled chicken breast on a seasoned roll with pesto mayo. I told the server to hold the fries since they’d get nasty by the time I ate it. I also ordered some cookies to take as well. By the time I was all done the bill was over $40 so I didn’t get full use of the comp but I did pretty good for being solo.

        After breakfast I went to VIP to check out. I had one meal charged to the room from last night and asked the girl about getting it comped. She informed me I had $11 in slot comps she could use. I asked her what about the rest of my comp balance and she told me I had none. I was puzzled by this and asked how that could be. Her response was they took them to cover the room and there was nothing left. My reaction was to tell her I was there on a marketing offer and they don’t take my comps. She said they just changed it a few months ago. I was NOT happy with this and told her the whole idea of booking this offer through marketing and not my host was to save my comp balance and if I had known that they were going to ding my comp account for the marketing offer I would have just booked through Randie and he would have gotten me a suite. She apologized but couldn’t do anything for me. One thing I can say though is it appears that they no longer charge the stupid resort fee on comped rooms because I left with a zero balance.

        I left the Hard Rock and hit the Chevron Station at the corner of Warm Springs and the strip to top off the gas tank. I still have gift cards from last year and earlier this year from a few promotions I played. I wasn’t able to use them though because the stations credit system was down and they were cash only today. This was a little annoying but not a big deal. The car only took about $12 in gas and I was off to the rental car facility to return my car to Dollar. Returning was quick and easy and I was on the shuttle bus back to the airport in no time.

        When I got to the airport there were no lines at the USAir counter. I was checked in quickly after paying yet another $15 for my baggage. So now at this point my “free” ticket for using frequent flier miles has cost me $65. Still a better deal then paying full fare but not as good as it used to be. I’m still not happy about the airlines clipping their customers like this. This is just a wake up call to anyone buying a ticket these days though, be prepared to add about $50 extra to the fare they give you by the time you get there and back between the taxes and luggage fees. This is actually more annoying than resort fees at hotels.

        Security was pretty quick except for the ass munch in front of me that wouldn’t listen to the TSA agent in the area. First she says don’t put anything in your shoes when they go through the x-ray. Then she said take all electronic items out of the bags they are in. What’s he do? Loads his shoes with everything he took out of his pocket and then sends a projector through the x-ray in a bag. WTF is wrong with people?

        My flight was scheduled to leave on time and I had about an hour before they boarded so I read in the terminal for a while. When we were getting ready to board as always people that have no business get up and block the entire area so those of us that are supposed to be boarding. I still to this day don’t understand why people do this. We all have boarding passes and are all going to get on and all these people do is slow down the boarding process. People, sit the eff down until your rows are called and stay out of the aisles.

        This is flight 535. We were scheduled to leave at 1:12pm and arrive in Phoenix at 2:26pm. We left pretty much right on time and arrived in Phoenix early. I had about 90 minutes before my connection so I was able to take my time getting to the next gate (unlike on the way out). While I was waiting for the next flight to board I had lunch (the chicken sandwich from the Hard Rock) and read a little bit.

        The next flight was scheduled to leave on time and we boarded without any delays. This was flight 683 leaving at 4:55pm and arriving in Newark at 11:35pm. Once again there are no meals or beverages served on these flights anymore. I even heard one of the flight attendants say that even the movies were going away by the end of the year. So not only will USAir become a complete no frills carrier, they’ll still nickel and dime their customers for food and baggage on top of that. The flight was uneventful and the middle seat in my row was empty so it gave me a little extra breathing room. The only issue I has was the guy in the aisle seat that sucked his teeth the whole way home. Luckily I was able to sleep for a good portion of the flight and wore earplugs while I was up. When we got into the Newark area the captain came on and said there was air traffic starting to pile up so we had to circle. When we finally landed it was close to an hour late.

        The wait at baggage claim wasn’t too bad and in short order I had my suit case and was on my way to the monorail and to Avis. When I got to Avis my name was up on the scoreboard with the spot number my car was in. One thing I don’t get about Newark is they have lots of spaces for preferred member’s cars. Yet every time I am here the spots close to the door are always empty and my car is clear on the other side of the lot. They had assigned me a Ford Explorer with 7700 miles on it in great shape. Hell, even the gas tank was full. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve rented here in Newark and everything went well!

        The ride home was uneventful as it usually is at 1am. I pulled into my driveway at about 2:30am. It was 39 degrees and I already missed the 80 & 90 degree temperatures I had earlier in the day in Vegas and Phoenix as this trip came to an end.

        Total win/loss for the day $0
        Total comps for the day $40

        Final Thoughts
        - I missed not having Dee with me this trip
        - It was nice having a frequent flier ticket to save money on a flight in these times
        - I had amazing luck on penny slots
        - I don’t like having to connect flights – it’s a waste of time
        - I liked staying at Bally’s
        - Short trips kind of suck when you’re used to 10-20 days
        - There weren’t many promos going on this trip and I missed playing them
        - The upgrade at Planet Hollywood was cool but went to waste on me being alone
        - The changes at the Hard Rock are amazing
        - Main Street Station is still one of my favorite places to play
        - I can’t believe Feel Good Soup is gone
        - I didn’t use that many coupons this trip
        - Getting nearly $1000 in cash and & free play this trip was great
        - The weather was nice this trip in the 80’s during the day
        - I went 2 for 6 on match plays but still managed to win $10
        - The Cannery & now Eastside Cannery continue to be an ATM for me
        - It was good to make my return to Sam’s Town after a few year absence
        - I played over 30,000 hands of video poker and hit 2 royals
        - This win brings my Las Vegas record to 22 – 14 – 1
        - Although already mentioned, I missed not having Dee around this trip
        - My next trip will be December 19 – 31 for the 11th Annual Christmas/Birthday Trip

        Eff Yous
        - Eff you to USAir for charging a $25 processing fee on a frequent flier ticket
        - Eff you to USAir for charging $15 to check a suitcase
        - Eff you to USAir for eliminating free beverages on their flights
        - Eff you to USAir for running out of food on the flight from Newark to Phoenix
        - Eff you to carry on baggage
        - Eff you to ignorant people in security lines
        - Eff you to parking at Planet Hollywood
        - Eff you to Fiesta Henderson for getting rid of Feel Good Soup
        - Eff you to the Hard Rock for taking my comps for using a mail offer
        - Eff you to people that block walkways so they can talk
        - Eff you to the guy that sucked his teeth from Phoenix to Newark
        - Eff you to 6 hour drives from Las Vegas to Los Angeles
        - Eff you to the dice at the Hard Rock on October 28

        Total win/loss for the trip $2250
        Total comps for the trip $2858
        Total comps without rooms $1296

        Questions or comments can be posted sent to me at stungazed ‘AT’ yahoo ‘DOT’ com

