You can not win here. Ever. Oh, have I tried. Sundays and Mondays after paydays. Weekdays from 4:30 AM to 9:00 AM. Every morning of the week. When the parking lot was empty. During thunderstorms and blizzards. On patriotic holidays. During ""rush hour". At the beginning and end of the month. High and low bets. Jumping around or camping out on a machine. I walk out ahead perhaps every 1 in 8 visits. Lose six thousand bucks to win a thousand. That's the Emerald Queen way. It's not just me. Every person I talked to at this casino in the last week said the exact same thing. And the local paper discloses that the Puyallup Tribe cleared over $300 million after payouts on its two casinos. These guys must be proud of how well they milk their mostly middle and lower class patrons. Since the parking lots are full, don't expect things to change soon. Instead, pull out a few $100.00 bills the next time you drive past this casino, and think about all of the great things you can do with that money for others instead of losing it in a grueling, smoky afternoon cussing at a machine that always takes your bonus game away at the last second.
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